Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What will the future hold?

Well it is nearly my bedtime in the land down under, so please excuse my silence for the next 10 hours or so. I will check in while eating breakfast but have a busy day tomorrow so will pop in and out as I can.

I am hoping that when I awake, this will all have been a bad dream...but I know it isn't. Hopefully, though, some action will have been taken by the Nigella team and we will know where we stand with and Facebook, so we can then decide how and if we want to proceed with a forum and a blog if needed.

Good night from Australia.


  1. BB Good luck, I think we should all give it a few days to decide what we should do there is lots of opertunity here if it is handled right, i would like to see a small none food section where we could talk about maybe travel or books or film or just life in general we could call it ( out of the kitchen )

  2. So far nothing has happened to the forum so i am supposing that maybe all the complains and votes and petitions are approved? Or the whole thing has come to attention to Nigella herself? But anyway forum or not I do hope this blog continues.

    Sweet dream BB!

    - Forizon

  3. Forum is of now, officially removed. it's 2am here and i just feel so... so... so... whatever you call this. no wonder they let us post whatever hell we want at the last few moments of the forum. this feels like crap. it's as though my last few posts there are my last meal on earth and i've just got hanged.

  4. Well, the forum is now closed evetually and I feel so incredibly sad. I know I didn't post a lot but I've been a member since 2008 and I spend much time on the forum popping in everey day. I learned very much there.
    The "new" is totally a bluff package in my opinion. Nothing is really new. Just a big promotion platform now.
    I hope I can be part of the new thing we are going to start here because I really don't want to use you all and the friendly chatty atmosphere we had on the forum.
    Jutta, thanks for being such clear-headed and bringing this into action so quickly.

    Natalie (Natusik on the forum)

  5. Seona, I am sure all our opinions matter:) I guess though, we need to remember in the end, that the site does belong to Nigella, is about Nigella and so Nigella can have it set up the way it suits her:)

    'Everyone' seems to Facebook these days, and a lot of people (not myself) seemed to be urging Nigella to have an official Facebook page. We may not like it, but we are, when all is said and done, a very small proportion of fans. Nigella has still given us an interactive option, but sometimes change can be hard to accept at first.

    I can't work out how to even comment on Facebook! I'm not very computer savvy, so can't voice my opinion over there even if I wanted! I do note that Nigella says our recipes WILL be credited to us. The site is, from our point of view, much less interactive, but obviously the idea is that the interactivity will take place on Facebook.....LOL I just can't work out how the heck to USE that site. Nore will I allow my daughter (or sons for that matter) to use it as it seems too 'free-for-all' to me. Not that Miss Seven got much time on the computer, but it was a big thrill for her to visit now and then.

    Anyway, the new site looks gorgeous. The changes haven't all worked for me yet, but I'll reserve my judgement as there are still things to look forward to. I DO thank goodness though that we, as a group have somewhere to wait it out at the very least until the dust settles. LOL Otherwise who'd I ask for help?:)

  6. Hey guys, it is "curly" here.

    I'd checked Nigella's new website, it is all a bit too much for me right now. Eventually I'll get used to it and will be looking forward to take part in the cookalong and see what your results are.

    I am sad that the forum is no longer there but I am glad that we've found each other on here and I hope more 'rummers will find it and pop in for a chat, as well as using Nigella's new website.

    Thank you, Baking Bunny for setting this up. I can now look forward to reading future topics and comments :)

    p.s Good to see you here, Teaboy!

  7. Just a little note that it is "curly" here but I am under "Greek Goddess" and my photo is still the same from the old Nigella's website (been meaning to change my name from "curly" to "Greek Goddess" after requesting it to Webmistress aeons ago but had never made any changes).

    Happy posting!

  8. Good morning, all! It's jtcw :) and I'm really glad to be here. I woke up today to find that the site has been completely revamped. I'm just so glad BB that you were able to organise this on such short notice. Looking forward to hearing from everyone.

  9. Good morning everyone! Well I had a great sleep and am feeling about as positive as I can be this morning. It will take a few days for us all to sort out what we want with a blog and forum, but remember that these can also be a work in progress and do not need to be set in stone, so we can make changes as we need to.

  10. HI ALL! tart13 checking in and ready for duty. :)

    The new Nigella site is pretty. Impersonal...but, pretty.

    I do think it could have been handled a whole different way...but whatever. We are connected here!


  11. Hi tart13 - glad to hear you are ready for duty! There will be jobs to do. In the meantime, please comment whenever you have something to add, I need all the input I can get.

  12. I'd love to look forward with a positive point of view:) While I understand how upset we are, I feel quite protective of Nigella as if she were my sister. I don't HAVE a sister mind you:P Even siblings don't always do what we want them too though do they?

    I've heard from Tas and given her the links to both the Nigella Friends FB and blog so she can find us - hopefully we can manage to find everyone who might otherwise miss out. There is just the two spots aren't there? Until we finally work out what works best?

  13. Good to see you all here. The FB site is just too big. I will lurk there, but can't see myself posting there. Happy to maintain some contact here. I try to keep my posts related to food but feel compelled to add that, "You can make a judgement about the situation based on the actual behaviours demonstrated, not what you assume." Think about what actually happened rather than what you think people may or may not have been thinking. A bottom line I suppose is that there was never any guaranteee that the forum was going to be maintained. I really enjoyed the forum and am grateful for the joy it brought me; but it is gone. Glad to see you folk here. That is my only 'political comment'. Thanks BakingBunny. Happy cooking.

  14. Feels like "home" already. Hello everyone out there in cyberspace. Happy cooking.

  15. Can we find Ms "Cakes" and link her in? I posted this in another spot on the forum but not sure if it will be found. What do you think Coby? It would be lovely to link "Cakes" in. Happy Cooking.

  16. australiaman, I have asked Coby if she has a contact for Cakes and will wait for a reply. If not, I will put up a post to search for her. Thanks. I think she was scared away by FB and the end of forums and has not realised we are working on our own new forum.

  17. hi everyone, just wanted to check in, I too woke up to the changes, glad to have this place to connect with you all again.

    by the way has anyone heard from sam or etoile?

    nice to see everyone again :)

  18. Thanks BakingBunny. I do miss Ms Cakes and I know we all care about her. I would love to see her back. miss her comments already. Happy cooking.

  19. I found Ms "Cakes". Wonderful! Happy cooking.
