Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New site not crediting our recipes - discuss here

I copied Amy's comment across from another post, so everyone can discuss this issue. It is also being discussed on the FB Nigella Friends site. 

amy said...

BB Thank you so much for doing this! I am not a 'facebooker'. This is such a great start!

I say option 2 sounds good since we all 'know' one another!

So, on another note...if the new site does not duly credit recipes to those who submitted them (they were so strict about it before)...I think I will ask to have my deleted. What do you guys think?

Great to be here. XOXO tart13


  1. well, i just requested that the site delete my recipes. i also added my dislike for how the forum was dissolved. i reminded them how strict they were when we submitted our recipes and to give credit where credit was due...and i would like my intellectual property back...or in this case removed from the site.

    i did wish nigella corp good luck in its endeavors. but, hands off my recipes!!!!

  2. BUT, Nigella does say we will all be credited, the site hasn't finished yet. Just be careful that in spite, you don't do something you'll regret. I'm keeping my recipes up because it's easy to find them - I hope to still be able to find fellow forumer recipes too.

    The reason the team were so strict with the recipes as far as copyright has a LOT to do with the reason we were so firmly moderated incidentally (nasty history not caused by Nigella but other 'friendly forumers' sadly). I didn't begrudge Nigella protecting herself. After all they only asked we write recipes in our own words.

  3. Here you go:

    "Nigella Lawson: We've just relaunched! For those that have been using the site for a while, ****please bear with us while we move across all your wonderful recipes (and the credit for them)***. For new visitors - have fun! We will start a new monthly Cookalong on the 6th of September, so please do join in. Also, feel free to post your Kitchen Wisdom tips and any Kitchen Queries. Enjoy!

  4. Oh, I understand. My request was polite and I do wish Nigella Corp good luck and good wishes. But, the personal connection I had with the site is no longer and what now exists is a slick (pretty and well-done) corporate site. No love lost...but, if I go, my recipes go! :)

  5. LOL Fair enough:) Tart13 - will we be able to find them anywhere else??:) I loved hunting through for ideas and will miss *any* recipes vanishing! I think the 'impersonal' style is deliberate to tell the truth. Obviously it's only my opinion, but I dare say this option will work better for Nigella (sadly for us). I wont be giving up, I'll obviously spend much less time there though.

  6. Well, I hope...once this evolves then I will post recipes and pics !!!

    I agree with you. It's all a part reaching greater populations. I still want to 'cookalong' and share about all things Nigella. we are :)

  7. Oh and believe ME, I will still have silly kitchen questions...I have one right now, and have no idea when I will be able to let it out!

  8. Coby please email me so I can add you as a contributor so you can ask your question in a new post. Hopefully it will only be a few more days before we have our own forum. The email is under the contacts tab above.

  9. Hopefully I did email you properly BB, let me know if it doesn't turn up K?:)

  10. I remember reading the fine print when I signed up for the forum and it stated that if you agreed to sign up then the terms and conditions stated that anything you post (including recipes) would become the property of Pabullum (sorry about the spelling); Nigella's company I assume. You may get credit but by posting recipes on the website you were automatically agreeing to 'give them' to the owner of the site i.e. Nigella. Let's "Keep Calm and Carry On". All will work out. Happy Cooking.

  11. A couple of my recipes have made it onto the new site, and I'll have to wait and see if they'll be credited. Sadly though, there is no mention of any reviews being migrated across - I was really pleased when I got some reviews and now they're lost :( I can't understand why the forum, which must have generated a lot of traffic to the site, has closed, just can't get my head round it. There are so many places online to search for recipes but there was nowhere as good to discuss them!

  12. I checked out the new site...???? Will have a look now and then and see what is happening there. I couldn't find any extra recipes that weren't on the from page. The FB thing is interesting but so big. It is quite sad to read the posts on FB. So many people feel so hurt. It is kind of like after a cyclone (hurricane) with homeless people wandering around trying to find their family members. So glad people are finding us here. I think the link to this blog will need to be posted on the FB quite regularly otherwise it will be bumped off the page gradually as others post on FB. Old forumers will go to the FB page. I did see the link BakingBunny; but think about posting it back every now and then so people can see it. I hope people out there are feeling a little better today. Happy cooking.

  13. australiaman I will do that and post the blog on the wall on the Nigella Friends FB page regularly. Thanks.

  14. Didn't realise there was a Nigella Friends FB page. I will go look at that.

    For others interested, check out the terms and conditions for the new Nigella site. You will see that in one condition it states that the site will not automatically own your contributions and that you will retain ownership, but then in a later term and condition it states that the site can publish, sell blah blah your contributions. This is not unusual and I am not complaining about it. I am just highlighting the need to read the fine print in this day and age. Happy cooking.

  15. hi everyone still getting used to this blogging thing, lol, I just lost my post oh well.

    just wanted to say good to see everyone again. felt really strange not being able to pop into forum today. the abrupt cutting off of all our past threads is a bit shocking to be honest. we invested a lot there I think, and now its lost.

    tart13, I know how you feel, but I'd hate to not be able to access old rummers' recipes anymore, we all had a connection, obviously, otherwise we wouldn't all be here today!

    like coby, I loved searching for forummer's recipes, and had planned on working through my favourites list. wonder if that even still exists? haven't checked profile yet.

    anyways, thanks again BB for doing this and everyone and hope to see you again :)

  16. Im am new to blogging to, but wanted to say that I have checked over the new site and am quite upset that they have not credited the Authors of the recipies, but will hold fire on a judgement for a few weeks and wait and see how it pans out before making a decision on what to do....

  17. So far, all but two of the recipes I posted are on the new site, as yet uncredited. I will wait to see if "all will be revealed" on Sept. 6th. I suppose it would be too much to hope they mean a naughty Nigella pay site. (THERE'S one that Webmistress wouldn't approve!) The two missing recipes are my Saffron and Pear Compote (the weakest of the lot, it needs refinement), and that damn peanut cookie recipe.

  18. Hi everyone I think I finally got this posting thing right was coming up as a diff username before. Good to see everyone again :)

  19. By the way that comment from mz frecklez was actually me :)

  20. Hi, as more a reader than a contributor I must tell you all I feel a lot of sympathy for you forumers. I daily had a peek to read what was going on. You were always fun to read, helpfull and I learned a lot. I agree with Coby, we will stay fans of Nigella and will not stop cooking her recipes. Glad I found this forum.
    Here just in memoriam my last contribution to decorating cookies from which the thread got lost. Some will remember this was the site with the difficult language (Dutch) but realy nice site: (it’s the cookie fairy). You can get some inspiration from the pictures. AVC-uit-T

  21. Good to more of the crew here. Welcome to newbies. Happy cooking.

  22. Is there a quick way of finding a recipe you like. Unless you know the exact name then its hard to track down.

    For instance, Jons famous biscuits and CALs ones.

  23. I should have added to the above.... on the old site, when we clicked onto a member`s profile we got their recipes that way. The site does nothing for me - its bland and unexciting and full of ads and Nigella trying to sell her goods. Also so far out of date. Today its mentioning Nigella will be on the Steve Wright show this afternoon. Em... that was YESTERDAY.

  24. Karen, I've tried to find that peanut butter cookie recipe in various ways, including the original name, All Too Easy Peanut Butter Cookies. No luck. In fact, I've just tried again, using only "peanut butter cookie" as a search term, and before I would get OTHER recipe results, but today, NO recipe matches. Wierd.

  25. Actually the recipes section in the new Nigella site is rather a mess. Yesterday I searched for cmd's tuna fishcakes. It was listed 7 or 8 times in a row, written without spaces or punctuation and prints really tiny. My search for the famous tamarind chicken recipe (I think it was etoile's) culled two listings, both of which were blank. It's obviously still very much a work in progress!

  26. Actually I'm really Peony58, but can't seem to post as such ... can anyone tell me why??

  27. You need to go into your profile and change your name.... well that's what I did and now im comming up as ShazzaP

  28. ok so it worked last time and not this, sorry but im new to blogging

  29. Weirdness continues. As of yesterday, only two of my recipes WEREN'T in the database (the Peanut Butter cookies and my Saffron and Pear Compote). I just checked again, and now only 3 of the 12 recipes I had posted on the old site remain. Bacon Brown Potato, Eggs Scavok, and Basic Balsamic Syrup; all three now credited to me. We'll just have to monitor the situation.

  30. I just used the recipe search function on the new site and I agree it is a mess. Yesterday I could find my recipes I posted and now today I can't find them!! I searched for a couple of rummers recipes that I could remember and I couldn't find them either. Specifically I looked for Jon's famous biscuits and CAL's oat biscuits, neither of them showed up. I did a general search for recipes and some are credited with people's names and others are just blank!

    It's good to see that we are all slowly coming back "home."

  31. I have just checked the site and 1 of my recipes is up and has been credited. Yesterday all of them were there uncredited. I have been edited! The wording has been changed as well. It would be nice to get a copy of our own profile pages as I had saved quite a few recipes but I can't remember what they were called :S

  32. Yes Chocolate Cookie, good to see people coming home. Happy cooking.

  33. does anyone know if we can access our profiles? I looked up my dough recipe, which is the only one I had posted and at the bottom of the page is did say,'posted by nads'. If anyone's interested, its under 'beautiful versatile dough', making it right now, so very glad I got to find it!

  34. well, team nigella never returned my email (unusual because they were always so good about it)...but, my recipes have been removed from the site. so, that works, too. ;)i'll just get settled in on the new forum and re-post!

  35. As there is no more Forum, I don't think they have any need for profiles and they have been swept away with the threads of discussion.

  36. Hope everyone is feeling even better today. So lovely to hear from everyone. It looks like we are 'moving forward' (apologies to the Australians who may have heard this phrase before. It was used as part of our last Federal election campaign for those living elsewhere.) I really am going to cook those cranberry and white chocolate biscuits today, but I found an alternate recipe with both ingredients that caught my eye. Should I stray or use Ms Lawson's recipe? Everyone does rave about those biscuits and I don't want to 'waste' my ingredients. Would prefer to stick to a recipe that is proven. Sorry I strayed off topic, but couldn't help myself and wanted to reflect some 'normality'. Happy cooking.

  37. Just been having a look at the discussion on Nigella's friends FB page. In regards to credit, I am sure that the new website will follow through and give due credit for your recipes. This is not a complaint but a 'heads up'. As I stated in a previous post you need to read the fine print on any site. It was good to see the fine print of the new Nigella site quoted on the discussion board. We just need to realise that if we post recipes to the new site, we are agreeing to the terms and conditions and as I read them, you will be 'giving away' your recipes. There is a term and condition that says you will hold copyright and that you may be approached to 'sign over' your contributions, but there is a condition that follows a little later on the page that basically says, "If you post here we (the site)can do whatever we like with it for commercial purposes. Again, not a complaint, just a 'beware and always read the fine print' message. (with any site, not just Ms Lawson's site) Take care. Happy cooking.

  38. For clarification about 'ownership of your contributions to the new site'; please read:

    Term 5 under the heading "Contributions" on the new Nigella site. (scroll to the bottom of the home page to find 'terms and conditions')

    This should give you a clear indication that whatever you post there can be used by the site's 'company' to do what they like with your contributions. You still hold copyright, but in reality that is worth little. Happy cooking.

  39. Hi I take it this is instead of Face book Doodles12

  40. so if there's no more profiles on the new site, that means we've lost our favourites? I guess the smart ones were the ones that saved/printed immediately, oh well!

  41. Hi Nads C. italian has given the access info of our old forum its on keep in touch section I got alot of my info I needed Have a look X
