There are of course concerns about how we would moderate our own forum. There are a few options.
- Fully moderated: like the site did. This would need a group of forummers that would be willing to be moderators and to devote time to such a task on a regular basis. I do not see any need for posts to be changed though. They would only not be posted if they were unsuitable under the terms and conditions we set up.
- Initially moderated: first say 20 posts are fully moderated and then the forummer becomes an approved member and no moderation is required. However, if they make an unsuitable post (against the terms and conditions of the forum) the post would be removed and they would become unapproved and subject to moderation for say 20 posts again. (There would need to be a report ability so the moderators can be made aware of a transgression).
- Partially moderated: a report mechanism so forummers can report an unsuitable post, and it would be removed if it was deemed to not meet the terms and conditions of the forum.
Please note: current forummers moving over would already be considered 'approved members' if we went with Option 2. Also any option chosen would be fully disclosed in the conditions of using the forum.
Please let me know your thoughts on how these scenarios could work and any concerns you have. Also, of course I need to know if you would like our own forum. Plus please vote on the poll down the right side of this page.